This is a big one! I’ve always maintained that it isn’t easy to be an Oakland A’s fan. Ever since I was a young adult, the team has been a ne'er do well organization. Or at least, that’s what it has felt like at times.
Ever since team owner John Fisher and company announced plans to relocated the team to Las Vegas in 2023, A’s fans have gone full—“I’m mad as hell, and not gonna take it anymore,” mode, like, from the movie Network.
Helping to lead the revolt is a pair of fan organizations Last Dive Bar and the Oakland 68s, and other community partners and businesses. Like my talk with Larry Kamer, a communications professional specializing in crisis communication and public affairs, in the previous pod, I talked with Last Dive Bar Co-founder Bryan Johansen in mid-June.
It was great to get insight on the collective and individual efforts of those directly and indirectly involved in this SELL movement.
Come to hear John Fisher get dragged, and how much he deserves to be for the rest of time. But stay for the pro-wrestling analogies, and hear me tell my story about the time I caught an Eric Chavez home run ball back in the day. 😜
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